Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay about Descartes’ Cogito - 1542 Words

Descartes’ Cogito It is the purpose of this essay to examine both Descartes’ Cogito argument and his skepticism towards small and universal elements, as well as the implications these arguments have on each other. First, I will summarize and explain the skepticism Descartes’ brings to bear on small and universal elements in his first meditation. Second, I will summarize and explain the Cogito argument, Descartes’ famous â€Å"I think, therefore I am† (it should be noted that this famous implication is not actually something ever said or written by Descartes, but instead, an implication taken from his argument for his own existence). Third, I will critique the line of reasoning underlying these arguments. Descartes attacks†¦show more content†¦Descartes attacks the possibility of certainty with regards to the existence of small and universal elements with the possibility of our thoughts being altered by an omnipotent deceiver. In paragraph nine, he states, â€Å"How do I know that he did not bring it about that there be no Earth at all, no heavens, no extended thing, no figure, no size, no place, and yet all these things should seem to me to exist precisely as they appear to do now.† His point is that this omnipotent evil deceiver could create in our minds an understanding of mathematics and logic that is at odds with reality, causing us to construe everything wrongly. Thus Descartes ends this final and devastating doubt with the preliminary conclusion that everything he perceives can be called into doubt. Descartes answers his seemingly hopeless skepticism from the first meditation with the Cogito. The basic point of his Cogito argument is that for me to either perceive awry, or even to doubt my own existence, I must exist. It is, as Descartes says, â€Å"’I am, I exist’ is necessarily true every time it is uttered by me or conceived in my mind (Med2, par3).† He makes two arguments for the Cogito in his second meditation. Descartes arrives at the Cogito through the notion of an omnipotent deceiver actually. He starts to question his ownShow MoreRelatedThe Cartesian Cogito By Rene ÃÅ'  Descartes1513 Words   |  7 PagesThe Cartesian Cogito In â€Å"Meditation Two† of Meditations, Objections, and Replies, ReneÃŒ  Descartes argues that we cannot doubt our own existence. Descartes’s Cogito argument is actually stimulated by the â€Å"numerous† â€Å"false opinions† (9) in â€Å"Meditation One†, which he believed true in his youth but now doubts and attempts to attack through his own writing. Descartes’s doubts involve three stages. The first doubt concerns sense illusion. In other words, Descartes formerly maintained that we obtained truthRead MoreDescartes Cogito Ergo Sum And Ontological Arguments1833 Words   |  8 Pagesshow that Descartes’ cogito ergo sum and ontological arguments both rely on the method of doubt and follow from the premise that essence implies existence. The cogito ergo sum is different from the latter one, however, from the fact that it did not contain the premise regarding the cause and effect of an idea having objective reality. The main problem with this argument is that while essence and existence were said to be inseparable, it does not happen to be the case. First of all, Descartes’ cogitoRead MoreDescartes’ Cogito Argument Successfully Shows the Evil Demon Argument is Unsound888 Words   |  4 PagesDoes Descartes’ Cogito argument successfully show that the Evil Demon Argument is unsound? In this essay I will attempt to show that the philosopher, Renà ¨ Descartes’ Cogito Argument successfully proves the Evil Demon Argument to be unsound. By an analysis of the structure of the arguments and what they prove, I will show the evil demon argument to be unsound. An argument is unsound when the premises as false and the argument is invalid. This analysis of both structure and content will eventuateRead MoreDescartes s Cogito Ergo Sum 1488 Words   |  6 PagesDuring Meditations 2, Descartes establishes a version of his famous ‘cogito ergo sum’. He establishes that despite the fact that we may not know the world around us as well as we think we do, we can know the mind better and the trusting the mind can lead him to the seemingly justified conclusion that he exists. Descartes’ method of arriving at the conclusion is by starting from scratch and considering whether there could be any ground of doubt for his beliefs. He was a rational philosopher who gaveRead MoreDescartes s Theory Of Skepticism And The Cogito1469 Words   |  6 PagesDescartes’s Project Rene Descartes was a philosopher that lived from 1596 to1650. In Meditations of First Philosophy, Descartes leaves the reader with two main themes: skepticism and the cogito. In this paper, I will be examining Descartes’s writings. Mainly, what Descartes’s project consisted of, skepticism, the arguments he gave as means to his project, and the cogito. In doing so I will explain how he left the reader with the two important philosophical notions of skepticism and cogito. The first thingRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1318 Words   |  6 PagesJordan Kriegel Basic Philosophical Questions November 2, 2017 Cogito Ergo Sum Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy and his questioning of our existence in reality is a question which philosophers have tackled throughout time. Cogito ergo sum or I think therefore I am, a phrase brought about by Descartes is the backbone of his whole philosophy of our existence in reality. As long as we are thinking things, we exist. When we look at this approach to our existence we must first deny that any sensoryRead MoreEssay on Renà © Descartes759 Words   |  4 PagesRenà © Descartes Renà © Descartes was a French philosopher and also mathematician. His method of doubt led him to the famous cogito ergo sum when translated means I am thinking, therefore I exist. This cogito was the foundation for Descartes quest for certain knowledge. He explored doubt and how we can prove our own existence, by taking the first steps of scepticism. His book Meditations On First Philosophy, was written in six parts. EachRead MoreDescartes Mind and Body1480 Words   |  6 PagesDescartes’ Mind Body Dualism Rene Descartes’ main purpose is to attempt to prove that the mind that is the soul or the thinking thing is distinct and is separate from the body. This thinking thing was the core of himself, which doubts, believes, reasons, feels and thinks. Descartes considers the body to be an extended unthinking thing; therefore it is possible that one may exist without the other. This view is known as mind-body dualism. He believes that what he is thinking in his mind is what GodRead MoreThe Meditations On First Philosophy By Rene Descartes916 Words   |  4 Pages The Meditations on First Philosophy by Rene Descartes is a thorough analysis about doubt. Descartes describes his method of doubt to determine whether he can truly know something. One of his major arguments is the proof of the existence of God. In this paper, I will attempt to unravel the flaws in Descartes proof that God exists. In the meditations, Descartes evaluates whether or not everything we know is a reality or a dream. Descartes claims that we can only be sure that our beliefs are trueRead MoreAnalysis Of Rene Descartes s Meditations On First Philosophy 1399 Words   |  6 PagesEssay 1 Rene Descartes was born in in La Haye, France, in 1596 and he studied at La Fleche Jesuit College and University of Poitiers. Descartes also lived in Germany, Holland and Sweden. He then worked in the army as a private councillor and then as a court philosopher. Descartes book ‘Meditations on First Philosophy’ was first published in 1641. The edition used to write this essay was edited by John Cottingham and was published by the Cambridge University Press in 1996. Descartes was the first

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Slavery Is Not Extinct Slavery - 1904 Words

Hemberry 1 Nataleigh Hemberry Honors English 10 Period Seven 10 March, 2016 Slavery Is Not Extinct Slavery, the keeping of slaves as a practice or institution, has held a grim but important role in America’s history. Since the founding of the United States, slavery has been a moral and human rights issue that citizens have argued over to the point of war. To most Americans, the day slavery ended was January 1st, 1863-the day President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation and freed all slaves within America’s borders. However slavery never did end-and is in fact at an all time high as of 2016. Despite the ban on slavery over one hundred and fifty years ago, slavery and human trafficking,especially for sexual exploitation, are still an issue and still exist in the United States. Slavery, as aforementioned, is the keeping of slaves as a practice or institution, but what many do not know about that goes hand in hand with slavery is human trafficking-the illegal transportation of humans for forced labor or sexual exploitation. Traffickers nowadays are often pimps-men who control prostitutes and arrange clients for them (while keeping profit for themselves), or just that-traffickers who buy and sell women, children, and even men to pimps and handlers globally. One hundred and fifty three years ago amidst a civil war, President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, stating that: Hemberry 2 ...any and all persons held as slavesShow MoreRelatedSlavery Is Not Extinct : Slavery1562 Words   |  7 Pages Slavery Is Not Extinct Slavery, the keeping of slaves as a practice or institution, has held a grim but important role in America’s history. Since the founding of the United States, slavery has been a moral and human rights issue that citizens have argued over to the point of war. To most Americans, the day slavery ended was January 1st, 1863-the day President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation and freed all slaves within America’s borders. However slavery never did end-andRead MoreSlavery Is Not Extinct : Slavery1905 Words   |  8 PagesMarch, 2016 Slavery Is Not Extinct Slavery, the keeping of slaves as a practice or institution, has held a grim but important role in America’s history. Since the founding of the United States, slavery has been a moral and human rights issue that citizens have argued over to the point of war. To most Americans, the day slavery ended was January 1st, 1863-the day President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation and freed all slaves within America’s borders. However slavery never did end-andRead MoreSlavery On The Islands Of The Caribbean890 Words   |  4 PagesSlavery has existed throughout history and has yet to become fully extinct. Slavery is when someone else (human) has ownership of another human. In the ancient world slavery was very popular and not perceived as something wrong. The main source of slaves was prisoners of war. Slavery become a cycle, a slave’s children also became slaves and so on, it was hereditary. Some people sold their children or themselves into slavery to escape starvation. As society became more advanced, slavery became a hugeRead MoreEssay about The Injustice of Slavery: A Peoples Resistance870 Words   |  4 Pages The Injustice of Slavery: A people’s resistance nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The history of the United States is filled to the brim with an abundance of significant events. Over the course of this nation’s young history there have been numerous social institutions. Many have been a necessity in our development. However, the US was home to one of the greatest atrocities committed on mankind. The institution of slavery is not only the most embarrassing but most sever infraction on the natural rightsRead MoreThe Civil War Of The United States1270 Words   |  6 Pagesbecome divided down the middle over slavery, a mainstay that helped the economic growth of this country? As the northern states population grew and expanded westward their anti-slavery beliefs began to spread faster than the pro-slavery beliefs of the southern plantation owners. This influx of an anti-slavery population began to use the senate as a platform to question the use of slavery, causing the southern elitists to strengthen their defenses in support of slav ery. Many southerners feared theirRead MoreMississippi History: Indian Removal Act, 13th Amendment, and Reverend George Lee655 Words   |  3 Pageschanges, and writers. Indian Act Removal Act, 13th Amendment, and Reverend George Lee played a big impact Mississippi current status. The Removals of Indians increased the Europeans power and lessened the Indian population. The 13th Amendment abolished slavery. Reverend George Lee was shot down for urging blacks to vote. All these contributed to Mississippi History. The Indian Removal Act was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830. The act authorized him to negotiate with the NativeRead MoreA Fundamental Rule Of Networks1093 Words   |  5 Pagesnew crops in different climates. Crops like wheat came from Europe and spread through the America’s and domestic animals like pigs, cattle, and horses. This shift in landscape was eminent in the Caribbean islands, where many indigenous animals went extinct along with the native people of the Island. Pigs, rats, sugarcane , coffee, and slave populations became the new inhabitants of the Caribbeans. The Columbian exchange influenced a networking world and simulated global commerce.Many of the world’sRead MoreThe Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln s Presidency1589 Words   |  7 PagesCivil War. During this time, slavery was one of, if not the top main issue in the United States. Lincoln was very outspoken on his views of slavery, what he wanted to happen, and what he did not want to happen with the institution. One of the main points that Lincoln makes throughout his series of speeches and letters is that slavery is in fact a moral issue. He describes slavery as a social, moral and political wrong, and places a large emphasis on the morality of slavery. Lincoln describes his beliefsRead MoreDefending Slavery1997 Words   |  8 PagesCritical Analysis on Defending Slavery, Finkelman Paul Defending slavery demonstrate the opinions and knowledge that the Southerners held concerning blacks and slavery. Paul Finkelman talks about slave legitimacy in colonial America. He argues that the first defense of slavery became visible after the end of American Revolution; it attempted to justify continuous forced labor with the Declaration of Independence. This essay aims at critically analyzing ideologies and racial theories that SouthernersRead MoreThe Murder Of Robbery Of A Jewelry Store Essay1116 Words   |  5 Pagesyoung lawyers like you willing to watch us boring old men argue. May I ask your name?† â€Å"William Wade, sir, Norse for traveler. Do you reckon you might have any free time? I’ve heard you enjoy debating, and I’d like to practice. On the topic of slavery.† He said bluntly, like it is casual conversation. I was surprised to find myself considering it. It really was not a subject I felt strongly about. I always assumed there was just nothing to be done about it, the South wanted their slaves, I did

Monday, December 9, 2019

E-Business Systems Report

Question: As a group you need to choose and propose e-business of your choice, approved by your local lecturer (or course coordinator for distance students). So please discuss your proposal with you teacher in advance. This group assignment relates to your understanding of the technological infrastructure and functional requirements of a small to mid-size e-business and to allow you to demonstrate your ability to research, analyse, synthesise and evaluate, and specify the requirements of a proposed e-commerce website in a report. You are required to use at least 12 sources including 6 academic to write a high quality report. It is expected that you will demonstrate your learning, integration and incorporation of the knowledge that you have acquired during this course to produce a high quality e-business report. Answer: 1. Introduction 1.1 Introduction All the e-commerce business are not same as per their overall business perspective. There are so many types of business are present in the E-business industry and all of them follows a distinct methodology to run their business over electronics medium. In this project of Ecommerce Website implementation is done over a cloud platform. To achieve the functionality Joomla content management system integrated along with the cloud services. Using of content management system over a cloud space to achieve the E-business system functionality provide a successive deployment wizard of web development. The main orientation of this project is to create an E-business module over a cloud. 1.2 Aim of the proposed E-Business Solution The fundamental objective or target of this anticipate to a fuse a substance administration framework over a cloud stage and use this joint effort as an ecommerce stage for the proposed site ishoper. Another objective which is likewise connected to the same project is to make a social medium between the proposed site and online networking so they can expand their business development. For new era web arranged business association, it is important to make a motion over the online networking for making self-personality of their association. For accomplishing the essential target of a fruitful ecommerce business association, it is important to command the second alternative of social joining. 1.3 Objective of the proposed E-business Solution As an ecommerce site, it is clear that there is a boundless open door for their purposeful business publicity, yet there is additionally some constraint which is connected with the business joining which can make a gigantic impact on innovation combination. Some of these resemble business to the client relationship, Loyalty administration program, and so forth. Ecommerce business association "ishoper" Is a business association which serves their client from a remote area, so it is vital to keep up their organization standard as industry tenets and directions. 1.4 Report and its Limitation The essential goal of this report made a rundown of the proposed site and broke down their particular capacity so the client of the site can recognize the usefulness of "Ishoper" site. In any case, this documentation has some constraint over the portrayal of the site. There such a large number of things which are executed on "Ishoper" Website like segments and modules are difficult to portray on a paper report. The down to earth work which is done because of configuration and improvement of the site is not likewise ready to recording in an exact director in light of the fact that reasonable work is entirely unexpected from a hypothetical work. In the hypothetical methodology of improvement coherently there is no issue connected with the task execution however in genuine advancement, there are such a variety of issues are shows up amid the advancement of the undertaking. 2. Background E-Business Proposal The selected E-business is based on online shopping and it will focus on selling the shoes. The shoes sold will be in many different from. This concept is based on the shoes store providing access to a lot of peoples from a global scale. The shoes will be delivered through the courier service. E-Business Strategies The whole venture depends on the improvement of an ecommerce application on a cloud framework. As an advancement of a site on a cloud stage the essential cloud, incorporation should be PASS or stage as an administration yet utilizing of cloudaccess as a facilitating supplier it will end up being a less demanding undertaking. Cloudaccess facilitating supplier in Joomla mix over each facilitating enlistment, so the capacity of this Cloud base goes about as SAAS or programming as an administration. 3. Discussion 3.1 Proposed E-business Model An e-trade model is an inferred approach which is structures by consolidating four key ways to deal with business usage. These are recorded beneath- The concept of E-business Policy: This property of the business is utilized to characterize the standard and way to deal with the business combination. In a brief portrayal, it can be said that the E-business idea is a standard which takes after business objectives and goal to keep up the general part of an association. In the improvement of proposed site "Ishoper" takes after Business to customers approach. Value proposition factor: Value proposition variable manages the noteworthy administrations of ishoper site which are served for the site clients. A portion of the quality recommendation variable which makes an immediate effect in client's psyche are cost viability, quickest conveyance, and adaptable return strategy. Revenue services: It is a remarkable part of any association for gathering cash from various sources. Every wellspring of salary is entirely identified with organization resource administration. As an ecommerce site, "Ishoper" has distinctive chances to gain income from various sources. Some the sources resemble a commercial, computerized membership, and so forth. Project Activities: The last practical unit of ecommerce which in a roundabout way related with ecommerce framework is business exercises. Business practices are reclaimed the market introduction in straightforward occurrences. Limited time occasions, Sales are the well-known practices for ecommerce specialty unit. 3.2 Proposed E-Business Marketing Product Online shoe selling is a new concept for a business organization. Shows are use regular basis. Before buying a shoe, peoples like to review the product price, colour quality and other things. These all are available in online shopping website. Visitors can compare the shoes price, colour, quality and also can check the reviews. Anyone can access this website via internet from everywhere and any time. Therefore, it is profitable for the e-store shoes. This will help to attract a large number of shoe lovers. Pricing The consumers are attracted to the concept of low pricing. The concept is good quality product in very low price. It is noted that the customers prefer low prices on products and even take a chance on making the purchase if the price seems feasible. The pricing strategy used will be based on providing the lowest prices in the e-commerce market for selling different type of shoes. According to many researcher, the low price strategy gain more customer and also its inspire the customers to make more purchase. This pricing strategy will help in sustaining the business. Therefore, the marketing of the website will be done using online advertising, promoted through social media networks and the pricing strategy adopted will be a low pricing strategy. Promotion E-Marketing is a determined type of E-business where gadgets business stage uses to accomplish organizations advertising approach. E-promoting arranges the showcasing exercises over the single stage to carry out their business goals. There are a few focal points of E-advertising present in the field of ecommerce business introduction. E-advertising makes an outskirt in the middle of organization showcasing target which is performed through an electronic medium. E-advertising lessens the general expense of promoting strategy by using unique car generation instruments. The quicker reaction to the customer ask for, and regular data gathering are the useful favourable position of E-promoting strategy. It likewise expanded the level of communication amongst consumer and business association. Place There is a serious increment in the quantity of individuals who have turned out to be expressively open about web shopping and the numbers have been expanding around the world. It was additionally noticed that the top retail stores are online stores and have been introducing an understanding into the productivity of building up online stores and directing online business. In this manner, the foundation is online and the acknowledgment that the web is a generally visited platform has helped in tolerating clients on the web. Furthermore, it is directing the business through the internet. 3.3 Proposed E-Business Infrastructure An e-business base depends on upon web administrations which are learned to give unmistakable administrations to the diverse space of Ecommerce application. Essentially Infrastructure for an ecommerce application is to give the asset to equipment and programming advancements. In this anticipate of ecommerce site improvement, there are an excessive number of programming and equipment administrations used to encourage the site usefulness. Hardware and software requirements Each product application needs an equipment setup to convey their whole usefulness which is additionally appropriate for this ecommerce site. Be that as it may, this site an incorporated cloud stage for its organization so administrator need not stress over any equipment prerequisites. All the prerequisite will be upheld by the facilitating administration supplier. The fundamental necessity rundown of this improvement accompanies the prerequisite of software administrations according to site organization usefulness. As like hardware necessity software requirements likewise ordered into two classes. One is customer side, and anther is server side. According to the utility component, customer side will require least programming support work this site, however, designer side (server side) needs the most reasonable reliance to build up this site. Hardware requirements (developer side) Hardware Devices Configuration Processor 1.7 GHZ to 2.5 GHZ CPU frequency Memory 2 GB DDR2 Random Access Memory Module Physical Storage 250 GB Display 1024x786 PPI Display Adaptor Hardware requirements (Client side) Hardware Component Usability Ratio Processor 1 GHZ to 1.7 GHZ CPU frequency Memory 1 GB DDR2 Random Access Memory Module Physical Storage 80 GB Display 1024x786 PPI Display Adaptor Software requirements (Developer side) Software Component Usability Ratio PHP 5.5 MySQL Database 3.x Apache Web server 1.3 x Joomla Content Management system 3.x Software requirements (Client side) Software Component Usability Ratio Browser IE 9 above, Firefox 14 above, Chrome 20 above. Project related resource requirements In the development of "ishoper" website, there are three sorts of criteria should be coordinated for building up an ecommerce business association. These are electronic contact, gadgets office, and expert system. For obtaining Electronics contact, the underlying stride is securing Internet access from an Internet organization supplier, for instance, a connection or telephone association. The accompanying step is to get an email area, which will be the guideline motivation behind contact for customers, dealers, and several business accomplices (Stahl et al. 2013). The principle procurement is to make personality over the business zones with the goal that anybody can discover any insights about the "Ishoper" association. Once the little e-business visionary has obtained an electronic strategy for contact, they ought to settle on a computerized system by which to offer their items or services. A sequence of the build way to deal with doing this is to develop a unique site (Vassiliki et al. 2016). Association's website gives a depiction of the affiliation and its things, allowing them to make purchases in the midst of their visit, either online or by calling to converse with a live illustrative (Yan 2013). A site is an excellent course for a business to be stamped. A substitute strategy for electronic office space is utilizing the organizations of long range casual correspondence and Internet offering destinations (Plummer 2013). Case in point, a little e-business person may use a free Twitter or blog page to showcase the organization's usefulness. So also, they may offer things through another online retail space worked by outsider Shopping website. 3.4 Proposed E-Business Payment System E-Commerce or Electronics Commerce communities use electronic division where programmed part suggests paperless cash related trades. The electronic part has bothered the business taking care of by diminishing printed material, exchange costs, work value (Brown 2014). Being straightforward and less dull than manual taking care of helps the business relationship to expand its business division achieve/improvement. Credit card payment gate way: This payment gateway is an essential technique for electronic exchange. MasterCard is one of the most used credit cards over the web. A magnetic material is attached to this card for making initializing the entire transaction process (Severdia and Gress 2014). After buying an item through credit card, it sends an acknowledgment signal to its connected banking account and after getting the authorization for client its grant access the bank account. Internet money wallet: Internet e-money wallet is a successive technology of modern days internet commerce (Patnaik and Mishra 2015). Using of E-money wallet user can recharge their account by a particular account from Ishoper website. If the user wants to buy some item, then they can use their e-money wallet for paying their shopping bills (Alasandi and Hadagali 2013). E-money wallet is a revolutionary technology which reduces the overall complexity of banking process of money transaction. Internet banking: Internet banking is another flexible method of business transaction for making a successful payment over a web interface. Net banking facility one of the most prominent technologies. Where user can just enter their net-banking credential to authorized their payment process (Rohm, Rohm and Brown 2014). After initializing the payment process, the central server of banking organization sends an automated alert signal with an automated pin for double verification. If the user-provided PIN is matched with a server-generated password, then payment process will be set as a successful transaction. Internet banking is another flexible process of banking transaction for making a successful payment over web interface. Using of net banking facility one can just enter their own net-banking user credential to authorized their payment process (Shreves 2013). After initializing the payment process central server of banking organisation send an automated alert signal with an automated pin for double verification (Nadiri 2013). If the user provided PIN is matched with server generated password then payment process will be set as successful transaction. 3.5 Legal, Security and Privacy issues in E-business E-business issues: After the mid-90s E-business is marketplace is boomed, and practically every retail showcased their product on their shopping sites. With the mystery of the Internet, its considerably troublesome for a buyer understand or know the loyalty of the organization (Ghorecha and Bhatt 2013). For an E-business group, it is necessary to keep their commitment and authenticity of product to their customers. Legal issues: -- Organizations entering the e-commerce world will confront another arrangement of moral difficulties (Tiggeler 2013). It is simple for organizations to end up derailed the particular challenges of working problem and give careful consideration to the ethical consequences. Ethical issues also implicate the moral issues which can be disturbed our society and its environment (Nigam, Saxena and Gupta 2015). As an example, E-business can sell any item to any if some restricted items like wrong medicine or sleeping pills then its could be a viable practice for any E-business organization. Apart from all any business organization need to display their product selling terms and condition to protect their usability function towards online customers. Security issue:-- There are a couple of security problem that happens when setting an E-Commerce site, particularly when taking care of touchy data, for example, transaction data and individual points of interest, for instance, address (Priefer, Kneisel and Taentzer 2016). Numerous parts will need to be secured well including correspondence between the client and the site server for attempting to capture data or from attempting to recover existing data from databases. And security between the shopper and server there is anti-hacking module required on the server side also, particularly if delicate data is put away under clients records. Servers will be secured to withstand any hack effort to fetch the data that is put away (Payne and Fego 2014). Counteractive action measures, for example, firewalls, checking for root packs, antivirus frameworks, and others security module need to be set up, and also encryption of the information of need to be picked up in the section for protecting confidential data. Privacy Issues: -- Making of online exchange has been turning out to be rapid since the 90s, and verging on each retail operation of any size has a web page for the offer of its items. With the mystery of the Internet, in any case, it's amazingly troublesome for a buyer to know honestly and trust the trader. On the off chance that you're getting incorporated into e-business, from either end of the game plan, recollect that some important business ethics. 3.6 Benefits of Proposed E-Business Prototype Website Solution The ishoper site has the much potential quality to expand the development of a business association. Above all else site's robotized and essential item administration unit make an extraordinary redirection in the middle of customary E-business showcasing and content management based e-business promoting. This site additionally has the usefulness to oblige the various sellers to account so they can without much of a stretch track their particular data. 4. Conclusion and Recommendation 4.1 Conclusion CMS (content Management system) based e-trade give colossal adaptability towards its designer for speedier and brisk execution of any model. It additionally expanded the proficiency level of any ecommerce generation. Aside from some other substance administration framework Joomla permits more security towards its client. So it is apparent that the site has numerous new edged practical module to amplify an ecommerce business development. 4.2 Recommendation Using of Content administration framework for an e-business stage is especially receptive however all the substance administration framework accompanies absolute constraint which makes a bottleneck amid extension of the site highlights. Joomla content management framework likewise has multifaceted advancement nature than other prominent material administration frameworks like Magneto or WordPress. So it will be better if the framework relocates to WordPress or Magneto like substance administration framework. References Alasandi, B.B. and Hadagali, G.S., 2013. Joomla, A Viable CMS Platform in Developing a Library Website: A Case Study of Bharatesh's Global Business School Library.Indian Journal of Library Information Science,7(2). Brown, C., 2014. 41 Best Premium Joomla Templates. Ghorecha, V. and Bhatt, C., 2013. A guide for selecting content management system for web application development. Nadiri, I., 2013. Web Design using Joomla CMS: Module Development using jQuery for Joomla CMS. Nigam, K., Saxena, S. and Gupta, N., 2015. An Analysis on Improvement of Website Ranking Using Joomla.IITM Journal of Management and IT,6(1), pp.69-72. Patnaik, R. and Mishra, M.K., 2015, January. Role of Content Management Software (CMS) in libraries for information dissemination. InEmerging Trends and Technologies in Libraries and Information Services (ETTLIS), 2015 4th International Symposium on(pp. 117-121). IEEE. Payne, L. and Fego, Z., 2014. Develop a Website Using CMS Joomla: Design and Develop a Website Using Content Management System Joomla. Plummer, T., 2013.Learning Joomla! 3 Extension Development. Packt Publishing Ltd. Priefer, D., Kneisel, P. and Taentzer, G., 2016, May. JooMDD: A model-driven development environment for web content management system extensions. InProceedings of the 38th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion(pp. 633-636). ACM. Rohm, M.S., Rohm Jr, C.E. and Brown, H., 2014. Discovering a Joomla Exploit for Possible Malware: Social Engineering and a PHP BASE64 GIF Exploit.Communications of the IIMA,11(1), p.5. Severdia, R. and Gress, J., 2014.Using Joomla!. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.". Shreves, R., 2013.Joomla! bible(Vol. 814). John Wiley Sons. Stahl, O., Duvergey, H., Guille, A., Blondin, F., Vecchio, A.D., Finetti, P., Granjeaud, S., Vigy, O. and Bidaut, G., 2013. Djeen (Database for Joomla!s Extensible Engine): a research information management system for flexible multi-technology project administration.BMC research notes,6(1), p.223. Tiggeler, E., 2013.Joomla! 3 beginner's guide. Packt Publishing Ltd. Vassiliki, G., Sioutas, S., Tsakalidis, A., Tzimas, G. and Viennas, E., 2016. Design reuse in the conceptual schema of CMSs: A pattern-based evaluation approach.Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence,51, pp.97-108. Yan, C., 2013. Build tourism e-commerce website with Joomla.Electronic Test,6, p.071.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Teenage Smoke Addiction

Cigarette smoking is one of the areas that have been of concern to the society for a long time now. Efforts are always being made to curb cigarettes smoking with emphasis being laid on the health concerns of smoking. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Teenage Smoke Addiction specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The advice seems to be falling on deaf ears as evidence from statistics continue to show high prevalence of people who smoke and are unable to quit the habit. What is causing even further worries is that the addiction is reported in the teenagers too, contrary to the common assumption that smoking addiction is evident in the adults. Teenagers are also faced with similar issues that come with addiction as adults. Statistics indicate that among the 20-50% teenagers who are addicted to smoking attempt to quit but the success rates still remain relatively low with only a third fully quitting smoking. Smoki ng addiction in adults has been attributed to starting smoking at the teenage years. A large number of teens are reported to be experimenting with smoking everyday marking their start of smoking with the numbers of those who start smoking daily across the world going up to over 80,000. Male teenagers register higher numbers of those who smoke than their female counterparts. Due to the constant reminders that come with campaigns on the dangers of smoking, teens have been said to register high numbers of those who make efforts to quit than the adult smokers. Smoking amongst the teenagers start gradually before elevating to addiction levels. Several reasons have been pointed out as influencing the teen’s decision to smoke. One of them is which is a common phenomenon is picking the habit from a close friend or friends who smoke. The company that the young people associate with form major influences to their behavior. This is because young people are not fully developed to exact ly discern what is considered bad by relying on the information they are given by the adults but rather depend on their follow peers to decide their course of behavior. Another reason driving teenagers to smoking is the curiosity to just try it. Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Young people are at age where their form of learning is experiential and therefore easily tend to want to try something to get a feel of it, this way many teens have ended up being hooked on smoking. Teenagers are usually at the adolescent age where conformity and appeal to fellow peers is gauged on ones ability to be ‘cool’. Many teenagers have therefore resulted to smoking as they seek to derive the coolness from it only to end up with the habit. The situation in the homes is not helping salvage the situation either. Many parents who smoke do so in front of their teenage kids prompting the children, who derive inspiration from the adult parents, to pick up the habit too. The fact that their parents do smoke gives them the impression that it is not a bad thing per say (Wang 10). Another factor that has led to many teens picking up a habit of smoking is seen in the way the media has shifted its target to the youthful generation. Cigarette manufacturing companies have resulted to target teenagers when doing the marketing of the tobacco products. Market research in the tobacco industries have led them to that all important discovery that most adults who are hooked on smoking started smoking when they were teenagers. This has driven them to engaging in rigorous marketing campaigns targeting the youths in their teens. Another discovery by the tobacco industry players that fueled their efforts is the realization that they were loosing a relatively big number of smokers by quitting and others to deaths related to smoking. This has led them to stepping up their efforts in a bid to lure more people into using their product to compensate the numbers lost. Different brands are being manufactured with attention being placed on their youthful appeal since most people choose their loyal brand during their teenage years (Canadian Lung Association 6). The tobacco companies have resulted to various tactics to lure the teens into smoking. The media has been the widely abused tool in their bid with movies stars being displayed when smoking hence appealing to the youths. Various tobacco companies have been known to go into the extent of paying huge amounts to have famous actors smoke their brand in the movie acts. In TV advertisements, various companies have used cartoon figures that are well known to the teens hence relatively increasing their sales to the youth population. Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Teenage Smoke Addiction specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Tobacco compani es also introduce offers as promotional strategies with the samples being products that appeal to the teenagers and calling on them to smoke as many cigarette packets to qualify for the promotion offers. Companies have come up with ways to make the art of smoking appear to be cool. TV programs that are famous with teens, like The Simpsons, have shown most of the characters including the young smoking (Wang 10). In the attempts to deal with the problem of smoking amongst teenagers, focus has been directed to fighting them from starting smoking. This has led to a major neglect on the issue of smoking addiction amongst the teenagers since addiction is mostly considered a problem associated with the adult population. The teenagers themselves do not consider addiction as a problem that can affect the youths, therefore when it becomes a reality it hits the by surprise. This has also been attributed to the fact that most studies done have dealt with the addiction problem by explaining the chemical element which is nicotine, the psychoactive problem and the step by step process that one goes through to end up with an addiction problem. These elements have no inclination to concepts that can be understood by teens to deter them from smoking and eventually addiction. Addiction problem is usually mentioned when we are considering the attempts to quit smoking. This is dominantly looked at as an adult issue thereby ignoring addiction amongst the teenagers. Some experts have offered advice that has hindered steeping up efforts to fight addiction amongst the teens arguing that making them aware that one can be permanently addicted to smoking might give them ideas to make lame excuses as to why they don’t want to quit smoking quoting that they are addicted. Young people in addition still have unrealistic ideas concerning the problem of addiction despite being armed with the general information on the dangers of addiction. Teens sometimes like to refer to their condit ion as having reached addiction levels while the real pharmacological nicotine dependence has not taken place. They therefore continue smoking and even increase the smoking frequency quoting the same reason following the knowledge that addiction is a possibility hence conditioning their minds to adjust accordingly. Teen smokers also pick up smoking and make it a habit while arguing that they will easily quit smoking with ease when they decide to. They downplay the seriousness of smoking addiction thinking it is just easy to drop smoking but eventually end up addicts. Failure of the teenagers to believe in the concept of addiction amongst young people as a reality is highly attributed to the studies conducted and information available concerning addiction which fails to include the scope of teenage brackets making smoking addiction seem like an adult problem primarily. Advertising Looking for research paper on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The available statistics have shown reality on the ground as displaying the results that are totally different from the common misconceptions. Truth is that the issue of physical dependence on nicotine, otherwise known as smoking addiction, is a reality amongst the teenagers as it is in adults. Despite the facts that adults addicts total up to twice those of teen addicts, the same dangers and problems associated with smoking, addiction and attempts to quit smoking are similar across both age brackets. Smoking is said to cause two dozens of illnesses with a majority of them leading to serious health problems. Smoking is the leading cause of cancer which among the top killer illnesses all over the world (Riordan 12). As more and more teenagers start smoking, a substantial number of the smokers, totaling to three quarters, make attempts to quit smoking addiction but eventually fail. This is a real morale killer for the young people since their hopes to stop the habit when they wish d oesn’t occur leaving them with much regrets. In addition to having the sense of helplessness and regrets, the young people also experience the withdrawal effects that come with the attempts to quit smoking. Withdrawal symptoms include; irritability, loss of concentration, anxiousness, dizziness, hunger, insomnia among others. The withdrawal symptoms persist for several weeks or even months. Most teens that make attempt experience these symptoms and have a hard time successfully going through that period during which they feel a strong urge to smoke. Most of them are unable to cope with the symptoms and end up falling back to smoking again. The bid to come up with the right methods to fight addiction amongst the teens usually takes a keen understanding of the factors that lead to smoking first. These as noted earlier are mostly as a result of some sort of influence from an external source to fulfill some inner quest which may be caused by pressure to stay relevant. These caus es basically can be classified broadly as resulting from the struggles that come with the teenagers going through the adolescent phase in life. During this time, the teens listen to their age mates more than they do to the adults. This increases the probability to pick up smoking habit. Their physiological developmental phase also plays part in the habit elevating to addiction levels. At this stage in life they usually possess higher levels of emotional urges to take to something like smoking than they do possess the ability to resist and self control. They therefore end up taking up to smoking and are unable to fight the habit and end up being addicted (Cyprus Mail International Daily 2). Programs to fight addiction may therefore take the path of stopping the teens from taking up smoking habits in the first place. This includes designing programs that are conducted by experts, teachers or even parents. The contents are educating on the dangers of smoking while highlighting the di seases, the dependency, and death. The statistics seeking to show recently collected facts can also be used to create a clear picture of how serious the issue is. Upon being armed with the knowledge, the teenagers will want to stay away from picking up the habit to escape the dangers. The education may also be coupled with a real interaction with cancer patents so as to create a real picture of the intensity and instill a sense of fear. This is because young people easily comprehend by visual aspects as opposed to figuring the logic in theory aspects or the statistics. The fear effect may also be brought out in the sense of altering facts presented to the teens. Information offered to them maybe altered to read that addiction happens immediately one starts smoking. This way they will be deterred from starting (Hampton 3). Apart from programs that seek to reverse picking up the smoking habit, it is important to appreciate the prevalence of addiction amongst the teenagers and theref ore consider programs that specifically help those with addiction problem. These include a step by step support program for guiding them through the quitting process and supporting them during the experiences with withdrawal symptoms. This way a problem that has been ignored for long will be solved by a great margin. Addiction may also be fought by tactics that seek to delay the time teens experiment with smoking. This is based on known facts that most people who become addicts start smoking at early ages when the dangers of smoking are not easy to comprehend. Playing around with such programs that seek to prevent onset of smoking may prove helpful in teenagers not taking to smoking hence no addiction and in the long run saving lives that would have otherwise be lost from ailments related to smoking. In conclusion, realizing that almost all cases of addiction are as a result of smoking from an early age may play a big role in preventing such cases. The onset of smoking habit has a lso been said to be an influencing factor to teens taking into abusing other drugs. This increases the chances of loosing a lot of lives and hence the need to delay the stage of experimenting with smoking. Works Cited Canadian Lung Association. Smoking Tobacco, 28 Sept. 2006. Web. Cyprus Mail International Daily. Dangers of Smoking Must be Highlighted. 9 July. 2002. Web. Hampton Scott. Prevention of Teenage Smoking in Local Area Schools. Developmental Psychology, 12 Sept. 2006. Web. Riordan Meg. Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. 14 Dec. 2009. Web. Wang Chunhong, Henley Nathan and Donovan Robert. Exploring Children’s Conceptions of Smoking Addiction. Health Education Research. 1 March. 2004. Web. This research paper on Teenage Smoke Addiction was written and submitted by user Jaydon O. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

anthro research essays

anthro research essays In a March 26, 1999 issue of Science G. A. Clark contributed an article entitled Highly Visible, Curiously Intangible, subtitled modern human origins research. This article tackles the issues surrounding the two competing models of human evolution: the continuity model and the replacement model. Clark borrowed the title from the geneticist Henry Harpendings phrase-a highly visible, yet intangible field, which Harpeding used to describe the controversial endeavor to trace the modern human origins. Clark states that until scientists make explicit paradigms for both replacement and continuity models, each model supporter camp will interpret common variables differently, to make them fit each respective model. Clark (1999) wrote, We are, in effect, consumers of one anothers research conclusions, but we select among alternative sets of research conclusions in accordance with our biases and preconceptions. These biases and preconceptions must be subjected to critical scrutiny. As long as t here is no explicit concern with the logic of inference-how we know what we think we know about the past-there can be no consensus (Clark, 1999, p. 2029). This paper will trace the origins of hominids, from the 4.4 mya Australopithecine period to the 100 tya Homo sapien period. It will side with the multiregional continuity model of hominid evolution, however, several sittings from works that support the replacement model will be incorporated into this paper in order to compare and contrast the significant differences in the two models. Most experts in the field of anthropology agree that the first erect bipeds, called the early hominids appeared in East Africa about four million years ago. They were given the name Australopithecus-being very primitive hominids, with small craniums and elongated arms, they were not known to have used fire or made tools. Researchers are aware of a few species o...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Basic Info, History, Geography and Climate of Spain

Basic Info, History, Geography and Climate of Spain Spain is a country located in southwestern Europe on the Iberian Peninsula to the south of France and Andorra and to the east of Portugal. It has coastlines on the Bay of Biscay (a part of the  Atlantic Ocean) and the  Mediterranean Sea. Spains capital and largest city are Madrid and the country is known for its long history, unique culture, a strong economy and very high living standards. Population: 46,754,784 (July 2011 estimate)Capital: MadridBordering Areas: Andorra, France, Gibraltar, Portugal, Morocco (Ceuta and Melilla)Area: 195,124 square miles (505,370 sq km)Coastline: 3,084 miles (4,964 km)Highest Point: Pico de Teide (Canary Islands) at 12,198 feet (3,718 m) History of Spain The area of present-day Spain and the Iberian Peninsula has been inhabited for thousands of years and some of the oldest archeological sites in Europe are located in Spain. In the 9th century B.C.E. the Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, and Celts all entered the region but by the 2nd century B.C.E., the Romans had settled there. Roman settlement in Spain lasted until the 7th century but many of their settlements were taken over by the Visigoths who arrived in the 5th century. In 711 the North African Moors entered Spain and pushed the Visigoths to the north. The Moors remained in the area until 1492, despite several attempts to push them out. Present-day Spain was then unified by 1512 according to the U.S. Department of State. By the 16th century, Spain was the most powerful country in Europe because of wealth obtained from its exploration of North and South America. By the latter part of the century, however, it had been in several wars and its power declined. In the early 1800s, it was occupied by France and it was involved in several wars, including the Spanish-American War (1898), throughout the 19th century. In addition, many of Spains overseas colonies revolted and gained their independence at this time. These problems led to a period of dictatorial rule in the country from 1923 to 1931. This time ended with the establishment of the Second Republic in 1931. Tensions and instability continued in Spain and in July 1936 the Spanish Civil War began. The civil war ended in 1939 and General Francisco Franco took over Spain. By the beginning of World War II, Spain was officially neutral but it supported Axis power policies; because of this though it was isolated by the Allies following the war. In 1953 Spain signed the Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement with the United States and joined the United Nations in 1955. These international partnerships eventually allowed Spains economy to begin growing because it had been closed off from much of Europe and the world prior to that time. By the 1960s and 1970s, Spain had developed a modern economy and in the late 1970s, it began to transition to a more democratic government. Government of Spain Today Spain is governed as a parliamentary monarchy with an executive branch made up of a chief of state (King Juan Carlos I) and a head of government (the president). Spain also has a bicameral legislative branch made up of the General Courts (made up of the Senate) and the Congress of Deputies. Spains judicial branch is composed of the Supreme Court, also called the Tribunal Supremo. The country is divided into 17 autonomous communities for local administration. Economics and Land Use in Spain Spain has a strong economy that is considered mixed capitalism. It is the 12th largest economy in the world and the country is known for its high standard of living and quality of life. The major industries of Spain are textiles and apparel, food and beverages, metals and metal manufactures, chemicals, shipbuilding, automobiles, machine tools, clay and refractory products, footwear, pharmaceuticals, and medical equipment. Agriculture is also important in many areas of Spain and the main products produced from that industry are grain, vegetables, olives, wine grapes, sugar beets, citrus, beef, pork, poultry, dairy products, and fish. Tourism and the related service sector is also a major part of Spains economy. Geography and Climate of Spain Today most of Spains area is located in southwestern Europe on the mainland of the country that is south of France and the Pyrenees Mountains and east of Portugal. However, it also has territory in Morocco, the cities of Ceuta and Melilla, islands off the coast of Morocco as well as the Canary Islands in the Atlantic and the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea. All of this land area makes Spain the second largest country in Europe behind France. Most of the topography of Spain consists of flat plains that are surrounded by rugged, undeveloped hills. The northern part of the country, however, is dominated by the Pyrenees Mountains. The highest point in Spain is located in the Canary Islands with Pico de Teide at 12,198 feet (3,718 meters). The climate of Spain is temperate with hot summers and cold winters inland and cloudy, cool summers and cool winters along the coast. Madrid, located inland in the center of Spain has an average January low temperature of 37ËšF (3ËšC) and a July average high of 88ËšF (31ËšC). Sources Central Intelligence Agency.  CIA - The World Factbook - Spain. Retrieved from: (n.d.). Spain: History, Geography, Government, and Culture- Retrieved from: States Department of State. Spain. Retrieved from:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Growth Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Growth Strategies - Essay Example However, even though it has strong partners, visitations and the numbers of people who come to the museum seem to be low therefore the museum needs to increase the number of visitors it has per annum. In 2007, more than one million people visited the museum but this number can be significantly increased (as well as the revenue generated from the visitors) if there are certain tactics and steps which are undertaken by the museum over time. These ideas are connected with market penetration, market development, product development and diversification. The museum should target adults with the auction of art created by local children of Indianapolis. Silent auctions or even open bidding could be held in which the parents could bid on the art produced by their own children and the proceeds should go to the museum. While all these tactics could be very useful, some seem to have a greater advantage over the other. For example, expanding the marketing budget of the museum would give it greater visibility and certainly create a pull which brings more people to the museum. If their experience is positive, word of mouth itself would encourage more visitors and thus result in free advertising for the non-profit organization. Similarly, having the premier of a historical/action film such as National Treasure or even a popular children’s film could be a significant boost to the museum in terms of visibility and media attention. When it comes to product development, it is unlikely that the museum would be able to easily acquire historical artifacts connected with children in the local region but if it moves to the international circuit, partnerships with other museums would be very beneficial. For example, the museum could borrow ancient toys from other civilizations and create interesting displays about children in ancient times. Stories told to children in Ancient Rome or

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Auditing and Consulting in Accounting Firms Research Paper

Auditing and Consulting in Accounting Firms - Research Paper Example The concept of moral hazard originated in the insurance business when the insured party exhibits immoral behavior by giving out wrong information, implying an outright fraud, but this definition has since been used in economics, in a situation where there is asymmetry in the information available. One party has more relevant information or data than the other party and is therefore in a better position to take action that will insulate itself from risks, while the other party unknowingly bears the negative consequences if things go wrong or not as expected. Previously, external auditing firms were hired for their accounting and auditing skills for expertise in these matters. However, the past few decades saw the rise of many independent smaller accounting firms, causing an intense rivalry or competition for new accounting clients. A response by the big global accounting and auditing firms was to branch out into a new service, in which they profess to have management expertise, and this is in the consultancy business. In the auditing market, there was saturation and maturity, hence accounting and auditing firms started to offer integrated auditing, consultancy, and advisory services (The Economist, 2012, p. 1). This situation has an inherent moral hazard in it, because accounting and auditing firms should not provide consultancy services to the same firms that they are auditing. There is a good tendency to manipulate the books (window dressing) to enhance assets, profits, or credit rating to justify the huge consultancy fees, which is a very lucrative revenue stream for these firms. Some regulators and policymakers have doubts whether it is possible to maintain accounting integrity or professional independence in these kind of situations. This is clearly an anomaly, similar to the fox guarding the chicken coop; it has been demonstrated by the corporate

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Parent Child Relationship Essay Example for Free

Parent Child Relationship Essay Abstract This paper is about showing your children that you love them by promoting boundaries. It will explain what kids really want their parents know and understand. This paper also gets down to the basics of how to be a beacon of hope in this dark world. Show how to help our children maneuver through troubling situations by giving them positive values to fall back on. Love is the common thread which binds us together and without love, boundaries and discipline would not succeed the way it is meant to. This paper looks at different ways to be active at home, how to have a joy-filled home, and how to show the ones who mean the most to you how you feel. It also shows how emotions can affect how we parent. It takes us on a journey through our childhood, so many of our parenting tactics come from how we were parented whether it was good or bad it is what we based our parenting on. How Parents can Better Love Understand Their Kids In this paper we will be discussing different techniques and methods practiced to make home the safe haven it is supposed to be. Some tips are given on how to bring fun and understanding into the home. Family White (1998) states, â€Å"if your family are the most important people in your life†¦show them, make your family your priority—strip away the non important things that take away time from them (p. 5). Kids just want to be loved and cherished. They need to feel like they belong somewhere and are special. Parents need to slow down and spend time with their children. We need to be good role models for our own kids. We need to have fun households to show the kids there is more to their music and TV, they can have a good time with the family (p. 37-41). Talk about goal setting as a family, â€Å"everyone has an opinion so everyone is included in pitching ideas of they would like to see the family accomplish, positive comments only. Then you need to clarify and organize your agreed-upon goals, and write down ways to accomplish each goal. You should designate a specific time to reflect and reevaluate your efforts as a family† (White, 1998, p. 41-42). White (1998) teaches a listening technique which was taught to him. â€Å"You begin by telling the person you are going to ask three questions and you will repeat them several times, but they need to give a different response each time. The goal is to get them to discover the solution and work toward applying it (p. 60-61). We need to be mindful of how we perceive things each person has his or her own view, and it may not match your personal view but we need to realize there is more than one way to do a task. Also, White (1998) speaks to us about time and how we cherish the moments with our loved ones, making sure our kids are confident secure in who they are will help them be able to say no to certain things. We need to build up the kids by focusing on the positive and by letting them know they are loved (pp. 85-93). Not only is it our responsibility to build up our children, but we need to help them dreamhave vision, and help them get to their dreamsdon’t be a dream crusher. We may not believe what they do but we need to be supportive. How to be Positive â€Å"Your thinking directly affects your performance get rid of negative thinking. â€Å"You are what you are, and where you are because of what has gone into your mind† (Ziglar, 1989, pp. 18-20). Ziglar says, â€Å"When you change the input you change the output. We need to stop being so negative –if a task is too hard we say we can’t do it, we need to encourage our kids and ourselves to push through the tough times (p. 24). â€Å"A successful life starts with having a loving and stable relationship with our family. Your attitude affects your outlook on life; qualities to strive for to have success in life are: dependability, friendliness, honesty and a sense of humor† (Ziglar, 1998, pp.41-42). Ziglar also said, â€Å"A solid foundation for children involves a solid moral base† meaningyou need to practice what you preach. â€Å"You need to look for and expect good from your children, stop looking at the bad and negative things and look for the good and positive in them and they will bloom† (Ziglar, 1998, p. 51). Be specific when you find something good in your child, tell them what it is exactly and continue to lift them up. Being Available as an Emotion Coach According to Gottman (1997), We need to help our kids deal with their emotions by being their emotion coaches and we do that with five steps 1) by being aware of their emotion, 2) recognize the emotion as a time for intimacy and teaching, 3) listen to them and validate their feelings, 4) help label the emotion with words and 5) set limits while finding ways to solve the problem (p.24). In step one, the focus is on recognizing when you are feeling an emotion, you can identify the feelings, and you are able to be sensitive to emotions in others (p. 76). Step two, when parents can use a negative experience to bring forth bonding with their children it builds intimacy and it teaches them how to deal with their feelings (p.93). During step three, two things take place, listening empathetically and validating the child’s feelings. Gottman suggests that this may be the most important step in emotion coaching! Not only are you listening with your ears, but you are using your eyes to look for physical confirmation of the child’s emotions. Parents also use their imagination to see things from the child’s perspective. They repeat back what they hear to help the child put words to his or her emotions. Lastly, they use their most precious gift of heart to feel what their child is feeling (p. 94). Step four is putting words to their emotions. Studies have shown that labeling emotions has a soothing effect on the nervous system, aiding the child to bounce back quicker from upsetting incidents (pp. 99-100). The final step is setting limits and problem solving. This step entails empathizing with the child’s feelings as well as discussing what is right and wrong behavior, and then coming up with alternative ways to handle their emotions (p. 101). Generally speaking, according to Gottman (1997), Children who have parents that practice â€Å"emotion coaching† have better physical health and score higher in academics. They seem to get along better with others and have fewer behavioral problems. Also noted, these children are less prone to act violently and seem to experience fewer negative feelings and more positive ones, and are considered to be healthier on an emotional level (p. 25). â€Å"There are results that show when parents use emotion coaching with their kids; there are buffering effects on children whose families are having difficulty and/or divorce. Another find from research shows that fathers who incorporate emotion coaching in parenting have an extremely positive impact on their children’s emotional development† (Gottman, 1997, p. 26). There are four types of parenting styles; depending on your style as a parent the effects can be detrimental to the child’s well-being. The styles are being dismissive, disapproving, laissez-faire, and the emotion coach. In the dismissive style, the child’s feelings are thought of as not important or trivial. The effect on the child is that he or she learns that their feelings are wrong or not valid. They feel that something is wrong with them as a person because of how they feel (p. 50). The disapproving style, judges and criticizes the child’s emotional expression as well as view emotions as weakness. The effect on the child is that he or she learns that their feelings are wrong or not valid. They feel that something is wrong with them as a person because of how they feel (p. 51). The laissez-faire style, does not teach the child about emotions, and offers little guidance on behavior. The effect on the child is he or she does not learn how to regulate their emotions and they have trouble making friends and getting along with others (pp. 51-52). The emotion coach style, does not feel that they have to fix every problem for the child and they respect the child’s emotions. The effect on the child is he or she can trust their feelings, solve problems, and get along well with others (p. 52). Parents need to take their time with their children, get to know them and understand their point of view. By learning to be empathetic listeners, parents can help their children learn to problem solve for themselves, enable their child to soothe themselves and become more well-rounded individuals. Showing empathy is like showing your child your heart. If you can let them know that you understand how they feel, they won’t feel down and they will feel confident that their parents care about them at the core of their emotions. How Love Heals In understanding the dynamic of parent and child Hendrix Hunt (1997) use a metaphor describing the relationship as â€Å"a tapestry of life, meaning they are woven together by the threads and stitches of their interactions with one another† (p. 7). They use this to describe the delicate bond between the parent and child. If not careful you can tear and damage that bond. â€Å"These tears happen when you are not paying attention to the moment, or when you are experiencing emotional pain yourself† (Hendrix Hunt, 1997, p. 8). The focus of the message given by Hendrix Hunt (1997) is on being conscious in your parenting. This means â€Å"you are to meet the needs of your child by providing safety, support and structure as your child moves through each stage of development† (p. 38). Hendrix Hunt (1997) mentioned â€Å"most parents are unconscious, but they are still good, kind, caring and committed people. They have been wounded and just have not healed into a greater self-awareness and self-acceptance† (p.45). According to Hendrix Hunt (1997) there are five characteristics to unconscious parenting, â€Å"it cuts, it cuts the connection between parent and child. It is an inheritance, parents are parenting from their fears and wounds. It is unaware, these parents don’t realize what they do to their kids, and they felt cheated so the cycle continues. It causes exaggerated reactions, parents over or under react to what their child says or does. Lastly, it is ignorance, the parent doesn’t realize he or she is overreacting to the child’s normal behavior† (pp. 48-51). When a parent is ready to become a more conscious parent they need to learn how to listen and talk to their children. Hendrix Hunt (1997) calls this â€Å"intentional dialogue; this includes mirroring, validating, and empathizing† (p. 106). According to Hendrix Hunt, mirroring is when you have listened and repeat back what you believe you heard back to the person. Validating is when you let the speaker know that what they are saying makes sense. Empathizing is shown by recognizing the feelings of others as they explain their point of view (1997, p. 107-108). There needs to be a commitment on the part of the parent to be open to conscious parenting. Conscious parenting offers safety, support, and structure. The parent needs to create an environment that 1) is physically safe, 2) is emotionally supportive to the child’s growth, and 3) is structured to limits and boundaries (Hendrix Hunt, 1997, pp.141-142). According to Hendrix Hunt (1997), physical safety is the primary requirement of every living thing. The most important way to support a child is by validating how he or she feels. A conscious parent provides clear boundaries and sets limits to reinforce the child’s sense of safety and support (pp. 142-143, 153). No One Gets Me Dr Sachs is corresponding with one of his patients via letters being mailed to one another in, When no One Understands. This book was his response to what his patient wrote to him. This young lady was troubled and had tried a suicide attempt which is how they met. During their sessions she remained quiet she did not like to communicate by talking and because Dr. Sachs knew she was creative and a good writer so he decided to offer an alternative to the typical session. This brought her out of her shell a little to where she would talk to him in some sessions but the bulk of the treatment came through their letters. She did grow to trust him more and opened up to him regarding some things she felt her parents just were not â€Å"getting†. Encouragement and Self Discovery In, Taste Berries for Teens book series, is chock full of very touching letters from different teens going through different emotional trials. Youngs Youngs do a great job at reaching out to the youth and giving them an outlet to share their feelings. â€Å"The purpose of this series is focused on â€Å"liking† yourself. A chance for getting to know and understand yourself on a deeper level. It tells of change and how one changes from year to year† (Youngs Youngs, 2000, p.3). Boundaries Cloud Townsend (1998) brings honest thought to mind when they discuss what kind of future is being created for your child if they are wild and reckless? We are preparing our children for the future (p. 14). There are three roles to being a parent, 1) guardian, 2) manager and 3) source. The guardian is legally responsible for the child and is his or her protector. The manager makes sure things get done and goals are reached, this role is a disciplinarian one. The source, the parent is the source of all good things (Cloud Townsend, 1998, pp. 19-21). According to Clod Townsend (1998) parents need to teach reality principle, which introduces true reality consequences such as not going to a movie because the room was not cleaned; it does not include negative relational consequences such as nagging or fussing. The child needs to â€Å"feel† the consequences not the parent (pp. 58-61). Setting Limitations Clinton Sibcy talk about overprotecting, overindulging and over controlling your kids and how these can harm the child. Parents need to exercise balance we are to protect our children but when we over protect we damage their spirit and deter them from becoming the strong, independent adult they should be. Over controlling parents mean well, they want their child to succeed, but they push them to perfectionism and these children are afraid to fail. The over indulging parent may suffer from feelings of guilt but children need structure and in this case the child can become insecure, irritable and bored (p. 9-13). There is a healthy balance and it is the parent’s job to find it. Honestly it begins with love and respect, some have to learn that but it is give and take. If you don’t show the children these qualities, they cannot give it back to you. Conclusion I would just like to conclude by saying that I enjoyed this research and this topic were fun to delve into and I hope to use some of these techniques in my own home to help improve my relationship with my family communication is so important but the most important thing that I emphasize is that it all must be done in love and with love to work. You can bark orders and commands all day long but you and your children will suffer from the lack of love and respect. References Clinton, T., Sibcy, G. (2006). Loving your child too much: Staying close to your kids without overprotecting, overindulging, or overcontrolling. Nashville, TN: Integrity Publishers. Cloud, H. Townsend, J. (2001). Boundaries with kids. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Gottman, J; (1997). The heart of parenting. New York, NY; Simon Schuster Hendrix, H; Hunt, H; (1997). Giving the love that heals a guide for parents. New York, NY; Pocket Books. Sachs, B; (2007). When no one understands. Boston, MA; Trumpeter Books. Youngs, B; Youngs, J; (1995). Taste berries for teens #3. Deerfield Beach, FL; Health Communications, Inc. White, J; (1998). What kids wish parents knew about parenting. West Monroe, LA; Howard Publishing Co, Inc. Ziglar, Z; (1989). Raising positive kids in a negative world. New York, NY, Ballentine Books.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Depression Essay example -- Health, Depressed Individuals

Certain practical issues need to be considered by the clinician during the assessment of MDD, (Dozois & Dobson, 2009). Depressed individuals tend to express their problems in a detailed manner when they are aware of what is expected from them during initial phase of assessment. Warning depressed clients about the possible interruptions at the initial phase along with providing them rationale helps to improve the effectiveness of the assessment (Dozois & Dobson, 2009). As depressed individuals tend to commit cognitive bias (Dozois & Beck, 2008), it is necessary to determine the actual impairment by evaluating patient’s daily routine in terms of different areas of functioning. Each diagnostic criteria needs to be addressed in number of ways (Shea, 1988). Sometimes, the patient describe their symptoms in more idiosyncratic way. So, the clinician needs to translate those concerns in to the nosological system (Dozois & Dobson, 2009). Bolland & Keller (2009) emphasize the need to assess the number of previous episodes and their duration because this information is one the predictor for risk of subsequent relapse (Solomon et al, 2000). Dozois & Dobson (2009) have reported to rely upon information related to previous episode carefully as the client may commit the reporting bias. The reporting bias can be reduced by ensuring that the patient understands the time frame to which he or she refers (Dozois & Dobson, 2009) and providing contextual cues to the patient’s memory (Shea, 1988). The information related to previous treatments, medical history, patient’s motivation for change, etc. may help in identifying resources for change (Dozois & Dobson, 2009). It is also helpful to assess client’s strengths which will help in formulating... ...owever, if Medical conditions worsens the symptoms of depression, then mood disorder is diagnosed as MDD and medical condition is listed on Axis III of the DSM-IV-TR( APA, 2000a). It is difficult to differentiate between depression and dementia (Gualtieri and Johnson, 2008), but certain differences can be noted among two (Dozois and Dobson, 2009). For example, recent memory is more effected in depression than remote memory; such symptoms are not prominent in dementia (Dozois and Dobson, 2009). Conclusion: For the accurate assessment of MDD, the clinician should not rely upon results obtained from one psychometric instrument. Rather, he or she should try to integrate information obtained from multiple sources to get the holistic picture of patient. The clinicians also needs to consider above mentioned practical issues while making assessment related to MDD.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Describe the promotional mix used by two selected organisations Essay

The promotional mix of a business is how a business attempts to communicate with various target audiences and is a key element in the overall marketing mix. Advertising: Tesco advertise there meal deal effectively, they can advertise their product through commercials, posters, leaflets and billboards, which are all effective in getting the message of their product to their customers, but it isn’t the quantity of advertisement that makes the Meal deal effective, the quality of it instead. Tesco advertise the meal deal with a short catchphrase â€Å"Buy any of these for  £3† which is simple and straight to the point. Advertising is one of the key parts of a promotional mix and is the most effective way of Tesco promoting their product. Below is an example of Tesco advert: Here they show the products previous prices through sales compared to its current price with the image of a berry which symbolises Christmas – This makes people want to buy the item for loved ones. Personal selling: Personal selling is where Tesco manage customer relationships. At Tesco this is an effective way of marketing their meal deal, this is because it involves interpersonal contact between the buyer and the seller. The limitation of personal selling at Tesco is that it is very expensive to employ staff to sell the customers, and has not got a good effect on the Meal Deal particularly. An example of personal selling within Tesco is the use of staff in the shop to advise customers on what they want to buy, this may be by dealing to leaflets to people in populated areas, which may have exciting deals in, this helps Tesco attract customers to market. Sales promotion: Sales promotion is how Tesco promote sales etc to the consumers so that people will buy products under sale. Tesco promote the meal deal in this way, for example they may promote a certain sale for a group of products. A good example of this is the â€Å"Buy one get one free† promotion, which is a very effective marketing strategy. Public relations: Public relations is the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organisation and its public. Activities can include organising conferences, open days etc, however this activity is not particularly used with the Meal deal at Tesco. Direct marketing: Direct marketing is used by Tesco to market their meal deal by using a wide range of consumer and business markets. A clear example of how Tesco achieve this is using e-mails and letters, which are sent to customers with the advertised product. Tesco can use direct marketing by specifically targeting the target audience of meal deal – perhaps people at work as they would be able to get a meal deal at lunch break. Sponsorships: Sponsorships are where organisations such as Tesco pay to be associated with a cause. This is evident in Tesco with the Marie Curie Campaign, in which 5% of profit would go to the fight for cancer campaign, which helps Tesco with marketing because people will want to become involved, which means more people will be buying from Tesco. Promotional mix for National Health Service Advertisement: The NHS advertise there service of health effectively, they can advertise their service through commercials, posters, leaflets and billboards. Advertising at the NHS varies to Tesco, as they do not advertise in terms of persuasion to gain profits, they instead advertise to make the public aware of illnesses, diseases etc so that people can respond effectively to this. The below image is an example of NHS’s advertisement Personal selling is where Tesco manage customer relationships. At the NHS personal selling is not really used as the NHS is a service and does not sell products. Public relations: Public relations at the NHS Sponsorships is a very important promotional mix at the NHS, this is important to them because they have links to many charities. One sponsor in particular that the NHS have is the Academic health Science network of North East Cumbria. This makes people appreciate the organisation, as the NHS will have special days where they collect donations for the research organisation. Direct marketing: Direct marketing is not applicable to the NHS because the NHS is a charity funded organisation, which does not run on profit. Therefore they do not use direct marketing in their promotional mix. Sales promotion: As well as Direct marketing, Sales promotion also does not apply to NHS as the NHS do not sell products, instead they offer services. They would intend  to promote their organisation for people to use, however the NHS do not promote to get a profit.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Reading Response : Abortion in India Essay

Rushdie, Salman. â€Å"Abortion in India†. Essays. 2nd Edition. Kelly, Joseph. New York; Norton, 2008. 279-282. Print. The articles topic is about the tragedy of abortion of female fetuses in modern day India. I believe the author is trying to say that unnecessary abortions are a type of genocide and a true tragedy. Proving points on both sides saysing that having female abortions could actually be beneficial in that it would decrease overpopulation. He then argued against this belief by stating that in one generation’s time there would be a girl shortage which could cause many problems, including increasing the sexism of Indian society and denying India of all of the wonderful things that women have to offer. The most interesting part of this essay was where Rushdie states that, â€Å"†¦Fundamentally it’s the result of modern technology being placed at the service of medieval social attitudes†. I found this to be a very insightful line and thought it summed up the problem in an interesting and thoughtful way. Although Rushdie is pro-choice, it does not mean he supports women having an abortion simply beacuse they dont want to have a daughter. What should be done when a women uses her power over her own body to discriminate againt female fetuses? Although he respects a womans right to chose, he also strongly believes that this practice is both immoral and unethical. I did not find any sections of this essay to be confusing or problematic. 1)Voluable- Speaking or spoken incessantly and fluently 2)Flamboyant- Tending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness. 3)Myraid- A countless or extremely great number 4)Anathematized- To proclaim an anathema on: curse

Thursday, November 7, 2019

50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and Fingers

50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and Fingers 50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and Fingers 50 Idioms About Arms, Hands, and Fingers By Mark Nichol Many idioms referring to human behavior are based on analogies to parts of the body, especially arms, hands, and fingers. Here are explanations of many of the most common expressions. 1. â€Å"All hands on deck,† from nautical terminology, means that a circumstance requires everyone’s attendance or attention. 2. One who is all thumbs is clumsy (as if one had thumbs in place of fingers and is therefore not dexterous). 3. To have something at hand is to have it accessible or nearby. 4. To be hand in hand is to be in close association. 5. A backhanded compliment is one that explicitly or implicitly denigrates the recipient. 6. To be in good (or safe) hands is to be in a secure position. 7. To be on hand is to be in attendance or available in case of need. 8. To bite the hand that feeds you is to attack or reject someone who has helped you. 9. â€Å"The devil makes work for idle hands† means that those who do not have enough to occupy them are susceptible to risking illicit behavior. 10. To say that someone did not or would not lift a finger is to criticize the person for failing to assist. 11. â€Å"Elbow grease† refers to influence that will enable something to occur that would otherwise be hindered or stalled. 12. Elbow room is space to be free to live the way one wants to or engage in activities as one wishes. 13. To finger someone is to identify someone, especially a perpetrator of a crime or someone who is to blame for doing something wrong. 14. To experience something at first hand (or firsthand) is to experience it directly rather than to merely become aware of it through an intermediary. 15. To force someone’s hand is to maneuver so that someone is compelled to act prematurely or reveal his or her intentions. 16. To give someone a free hand is to allow that person autonomy. 17. â€Å"Five-finger discount† is a euphemism for stealing, especially shoplifting. 18. To gain the upper hand is to become dominant or victorious. 19. To get one’s fingers burned is to experience a painful lesson, often about issues such as trust in interpersonal relationships. 20. To get one’s hands dirty it to directly engage in an activity that may not be appealing, rather than leave it to others, or to become involved in illicit activity. 21–22. To give one’s right arm (to right-handed people, the more useful one) or an arm and a leg is to offer a significant sacrifice to obtain a desired result. 23. To go hand in glove means to be in close agreement or in a close relationship. 24. To hand it to someone is to acknowledge someone’s accomplishment. 25. To hand something to someone on a plate or a platter means to make something easy for someone. 26. To hang on by one’s fingernails is to barely manage to cope with something. 27. To have a finger in every pie (or many pies) is to be involved in many activities or projects 28. To have one’s finger on the pulse of something is to be acutely aware of its condition or status. 29. To have one’s hands full it to be busy or too busy to take on other activities. 30. Something done with a heavy hand is done excessively and/or oppressively. 31. A reference to an iron fist (or iron hand) in a velvet glove is to authoritarian behavior concealed behind a facade of benevolence. 32. To keep someone at arm’s length is to maintain emotional and/or physical distance from someone who is a bad influence or may otherwise cause harm. 33. To keep one’s fingers crossed is to wish for good luck. 34. To know something like the back of one’s hand is to be intimately or thoroughly familiar with it. 35. When the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing, one entity associated with another is unaware of the second entity’s actions or intentions. 36. To lend a hand means to help. 37. To live from hand to mouth is to live on a subsistence level, with no cushion of comfort. 38. When something gets out of hand, it is out of control. 39. The long arm of the law is the influence of law enforcement, which can be more far reaching in time or space than one expects. 40. â€Å"On the other hand† means â€Å"alternatively.† 41. To overplay one’s hand is to be overconfident. 42. To play into someone’s hands is to engage in activity or behavior that makes one vulnerable to another person’s manipulation. 43. A show of hands is a literal or figurative assessment or vote to determine support for or opposition to an intended course of action or agreement or disagreement with an opinion. 44. To stick out like a sore thumb is to be conspicuous. 45. To take the law into one’s own hands is to seek justice or retribution instead of obtaining assistance through law enforcement or legal procedures. 46. â€Å"Thumbs up† refers to the gesture of approval. 47. To be under someone’s thumb is to be subject to someone else’s influence. 48. To be up in arms is to be indignant or agitated about a wrong done to oneself and/or others. 49. To wash one’s hands of something is to decide that one no longer wants to be considered responsible for an action or policy that one does not have control over. 50. To work one’s fingers to the bone is suggest that one’s fingers have been stripped of flesh from the exertion. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Masters Degree or Master's Degree?"Gratitude" or "Gratefulness"?What Is a Doctor?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Pro Tips Turning your Blog into a Bestselling Book

Pro Tips Turning your Blog into a Bestselling Book Pro Tips: Turning your Blog into a Book Who needs the traditional press anymore? With the democratization of the web, bloggers and social media users can now reach audiences of thousands - if not millions - of eager eyeballs. And once any writer has that kind of platform, it is only a matter of time before publishers come knocking on their doors. Have a look on Amazon, and you'll find plenty of books written by bloggers on topics ranging from business and finance to personal development and pop culture.Many bloggers have resisted the siren call of publishing. But with hundreds of posts under their belt, most bloggers have cleared the first hurdle that most new authors face: they can write. Not just in the sense of being able to put their thoughts to paper and engage an audience, but also by making a regular habit out of writing. How can bloggers become authors? Check out these tips from top ghostwriters With advice from Vanessa Mickan and Marcia Layton Turner, two professional ghostwriters who have helped countless authors publish their first books, we’re taking a peek behind the curtain to see how and why bloggers can (and should) make the leap into the world of publishing.The best reasons for writing a book Old school 💠ªÃ°Å¸â€™ ª 3 years ago and still going !! You ladies are my motivation everyday 💛 Thankyou for all you do. Australian personal trainer Kayla Itsines is practically a cottage industry of feel-good fitness thanks to the inspirational messages, pictures, and workout suggestions  she regularly posts. Leveraging a  massive online following (6 million and counting), she has released a lucrative workout app and self-published an ebook called  The Bikini Body Training Guide. What do @TuckerMax @kayla_itsines and @tferriss all have in common? 5. Tim Ferriss Talk about an immersion course! If you want to learn how to become an author, there are few better ways than working with someone who has substantial experience of writing successful books. Think of it as a turbo-charged internship that you happen to be paying for 😉 If you want to learn how to WRITE a great book, here's why you should consider hiring a ghostwriter. 6. Ghostwriters are publishing insiders Ghostwriters come from many backgrounds, but the best ones have plenty of experience in the publishing industry - often as acquisition editors. They can help you understand whether you should self-publish or pursue  traditional publishers. If you decide to go for the latter, they can help you through the process of pitching to editors. It’s not uncommon for ghostwriters to work on  book proposals: creating a pitch document that lays out your book’s content on a chapter-by-chapter basis as well as demonstrating why you are the perfect person to author a book on your subject. Once they’ve put together your proposal, they can even help you identify the right publishers to send it to.Intrigued by the idea of working with a professional on your book? Find out more about choosing a ghostwriter with  this step-by-step guide or by reading  this article from the world’s most successful ghost.Have you considered making the jump from blogger to author? What do you see as your biggest incentives and obstacles? Feel free to share your thoughts, questions, or strong disagreements in the comments below.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

[Banking and Management] Assess the advantages and limitations of Essay

[Banking and Management] Assess the advantages and limitations of universal banking OR all purpose financial institutions - Essay Example tional economic investments, the Chinese banking sector has undertaken the strategies of integrating investment services, advisory and underwriting service, home finance and asset management under the same umbrella of the commercial services provided the banks. The universal banking service offered by the Chinese state-owned banks has certain advantages as well as the limitations. On one hand, the aspect of universal banking enables the banks to increase their sales revenues and profitability by catering to the investment demands of the worldwide markets apart from the commercial services. The limitations of offering universal banking products and services lay due to the fluctuation of international economic conditions and the fluctuation of interest rates, exchange rate that would increase the risk exposure of the investment services. The concept of universal banking includes a wide range of financial services provided by the banks in order to cater to the regular banking as well as the investment needs of the customers. The aspect of â€Å"all purpose financial institutions† is related to offering comprehensive service to the customers that also help the banks to diversify the risk of their business. The various banking products and solutions that are offered under the system of universal banking includes savings and deposits accounts, loans and credit services, management of assets, investment service, underwriting services, financial analysis, advisory services, processing of payments, etc. However, banks may choose to offer specific products and services in a universal banking system depending on their specializations. The Chinese banks have been recently named by a magazine as the one of the world’s largest and profitable banks in the world (Linda and Julapa, 2000, p.33). However, this does not mean that the Chinese banking sector is more resilient to the complexities of international economies. Although developments in the Chinese banking sector have